Most of us were introduced to prayers and praying early in our life. From the first “sholka” which was sounded in our ear when we were born to final prayer for our departed soul, prayers have always been part of us, living or dead. But at most time’s people have only prayed without understanding is a prayer. Praying without understanding what is praying is meaningless to say the least. Whom you pray, when you pray, what you pray about is important, but the basic question is WHAT IS A PRAYER?

Praying is simply conditioning of the mind, the announcement of entering a new phase, the signal of changing the track. When you wake up and say a prayer first thing in the morning, the prayer is about telling yourself about the new day you are about to begin. The prayer itself could be about what you want to achieve that day and where you need support for the same. What you say in this first Morning Prayer is the content, but the purpose of the prayer is to signal the change. To let yourself know that this is a fresh start, which needs to made in the present, leaving aside the past and looking towards the future. Leaving behind the bad and embracing the good now, in the present.

When you end your day with a prayer at night, it again is a change of phase, where you are entering a world of sub consciousness, ie your sleep, so it is a signal for your mind to relax, unwind, disconnect from the conscious and surrender control and thoughts. The content of this prayer could be about thanking the divine for the lovely day, for all the experiences of the day and support for peace of mind and recovery for the body at night.

Before a student writes an exam, or before you enter the interview room or before an important meeting or an event, when you pray, you are making yourself aware of the importance of this change in phase, a signal to your mind and self for being at your best, believing in your abilities and performing fearlessly with your mind, body and soul. This is perhaps also the content of your prayer.

We start a yoga session with a prayer, to signal our mind about the phase of Aasanas, Pranayam and Meditation you are about to enter, where you want to disconnect with the outside and start looking inside, what is happening to your body and mind – looking in. The prayer is about disconnecting outside to connect inside.

The other kind of commonly perceived prayer is the distress prayer, which we resort to in troubled times, when we are not in control of the situation in and around us, when we feel helpless and the divine is the last resort for strength, direction or the expected savior. The content of this prayer is situational or the belief in some words which can help connect to the divine and let him know of your situation. But I believe this is not a true prayer, because the divine is fully and always aware. He does not need to be on call, he is already there. Already looking after you. Such an act when misunderstood as prayer, infact is more damaging, because it takes vital time away from you thinking and acting, rather than resorting to seeking divine assistance through words.

Finally the everyday prayer at all religious places, which is the most popular form of prayer is simply a thank you. Whatever be the content of this thank you, it is still a thank you, which acknowledges the divine cosmic energy, which we also call as God, thanking for all that was made available and possible for you with a request to keep you on his/her radar always. This thank you is also comforting to know that somebody is always taking care of us, no matter what and so the thank you.

Thank You !

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