I was surprised to see a ‘Thank You’ card lying in the small temple we have in the house. After some preliminary search, I realized it was made by my five year old son. I was obviously curious and asked him what this “Thank You” card was all about and he simply said, he wanted to thank God for the situation he was in. Just a week ago we had visited an orphanage and he had seen many children without parents who were dependent on others for everything. My son felt he was always happy because of God as he gave him everything without asking.

At the age of five, my little son taught me a very big lesson – Develop an attitude of gratitude.

We often take things for granted and forget to acknowledge and cherish the things we are blessed with. While sometimes we have some gratitude for the so called big things like a good family, career, house etc., but many small and somewhat not so obvious aspects get missed out. That day I decided to try and develop and practice gratitude by being thankful for aspects like

  1. Being Alive – For waking up with all my senses intact each day – I can breathe, see, smell, hear and touch and witness a beautiful life
  2. Living a relatively healthy life. I have my own health niggles but they are nothing compared to being on medication for life or living on therapy or waking up in hospital bed
  3. Not having to worry about my next meal or a roof under the sun
  4. Having a great set of friends and family
  5. Being able to share laughter, sorrow, achievements, regrets and dreams with people who are willing to listen
  6. Living a life where my basic needs are taken care of and I can walk the path of self-discovery and development through Yoga

 Yes, there are two sides to coin, but I have now started looking at the “gratitude side” first and this simple change in perspective has led to experiencing better health, beautiful relationships, less stress, more happiness and an overall better quality of life by redirecting my attention to haves from have nots. My prayer has changed from a list of demands to a list of thanks giving and the attitude of gratitude is keeping me firmly grounded and yet allowing me to fly freely.

Thank you my dear son!!!

Renu Jain (26.04.2018)


  • Radharaja Posted April 26, 2018 8:03 am

    Would like to get in touch with you. 8655933916. In regards to yoga mats

  • Kartik Kesarker Posted April 26, 2018 8:08 am

    Very nice Renu and very well written as well. Look forward to more experiences and insights from you. Best wishes!!

    • Renu Posted April 26, 2018 9:20 am

      Thanks Kartik

  • Rox Posted April 26, 2018 9:13 am

    It is a touching story! When we have the attitude of gratitude toward God, parents, teachers, friends, ourselves, any person in our life for love, family, knowledge, friendship, health, etc they have given us, can deepen and improve the relationship between them and us. A good relationship is always helpful to us both physically and mentally.

    • Renu Posted April 26, 2018 9:21 am

      Thanks Rox, very well said.

  • Runu Posted April 26, 2018 9:41 am

    Very well expressed Renu ! I am looking forward to reading many more 🙂

    • Renu Posted April 26, 2018 9:45 am

      Sure Runu. Thank you

  • Bhavna Posted April 26, 2018 9:41 am

    Keep it up

    • Renu Posted April 26, 2018 9:45 am

      Thanks Bhavna

  • Shweta Agarwal Posted April 26, 2018 12:58 pm

    Very well written Renu, will look forward many more of such inspiring words. 👏🏻

    • Renu Posted April 27, 2018 4:30 am

      Thanks Shweta 🙏

  • Durriya Posted April 26, 2018 1:09 pm

    Hi Renu
    Little ones so innocently teach us great lessons.
    We just need to look from their angle.

    • Renu Posted April 27, 2018 4:31 am

      So true!!

  • Renuka Bangard Posted April 26, 2018 7:04 pm

    It is this ‘Attitude of Gratitude’ that embarks each one of us to travel smoothly this journey of life with peace within.It builds a chain of good happenings in our life as we transmit positive energy to the Universe.Well expressed Renu❤️Keep penning😄

    • Renu Posted April 27, 2018 4:33 am

      Yes ma’am, totally agree. Thank you 🙏

  • K.K. Seth Posted April 29, 2018 7:50 am

    Very well written article Renu, it presents a different perspective of life which we generally overlook. Writing style is easy and lucid. Keep it up!

    • Renu Posted June 12, 2018 6:11 am

      Thank you sir

  • Tanu Posted May 12, 2018 1:49 am

    Very beautifully expressed. Keep writing!

    • Renu Posted June 12, 2018 6:10 am

      Thank you Tanu

  • Shruti Patel Posted June 30, 2018 5:47 am

    Since there is an error with the message sending thru your contact. M posting it here I liked the idea of evo friendly mat and moreover the cotton feel on the top side. To get such mat, I had got one such mat from Taiwan. It is anti-skid but it doesn’t give me grip on top since it is cotton. When I do fast rounds of surya namaskar.. I need good grip to my palms and toes in able to move quick. Reading FAQs I would love to try out arka mat but just in case if it doesn’t suit me well, what does your return and refund policy says? Kindly revert asap. Thanks:)

  • admin Posted July 16, 2018 1:06 pm

    Dear Shruti!
    Thanks for your message.
    As mentioned in the point number 7 in FAQ section of our website, Arka mats are made using coarse cotton to get a better grip. With regular use the fiber becomes softer and you start enjoying the mat. But as the fiber gets softer, you might feel the mat is losing its grip especially in advanced practices. In such a case, we advise you to wash your mat and the coarseness will ensure good grip on top surface once again. However cotton mats are more suited for traditional Yoga practices as compare to dynamic asnas.
    You can return the mat within 7 days only if it is not used. Thank you

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